              We get it.
Lots of people are skeptical that families can really change.  We understand that skepticism.  Indeed, in some cases, families have suffered too much dysfunction to make substantial progress.  But we have found that most families can succeed.   In fact, there is often a deep desire for things to be better.  It simply takes the wisdom to know what needs to be done to help people find what they really want and the skill to help them get there. 

Traditional family meetings are rarely enough to move the needle.  Meetings controlled by agendas - usually out of fear that the emotions will swamp productivity - are wholly unproductive.  These meetings change nothing.

Family gatherings are different. 

Family gatherings that are well-designed: 1) give participants new insights into themselves and each other, 2) provide new tools for self-management, 3) establish new structures for having conversations that matter, 4) address the heart, mind and behavior of the participants, and finally, 5)  engage and entertain rather than bore. This more innovative approach generates collaboration, fosters creativity, and leads to sustainable commitments.   In the end, the family finds it is working as a team together in new ways.  These changes take root quickly and things are different than they were before. 

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