A Powerful Approach.

Bringing multidisciplinary perspectives and personal depth creates gatherings equal to the full complexity that exists in
client families. Matt offers no simplistic off-the-shelf solutions.  He sees his role as helping families build capacity and
commitment.  In doing this work with clients, he builds with compassion by engaging clients with honesty, respect,
creativity and wisdom.    To understand this process a bit more, we have put together a graphic and a brief explanation
of our approach:
family gatherings
From meeting needs
to capacity building.

We design and facilitate family
gatherings that go beyond meeting
immediate needs.  These family
meetings create adaptive capacity. 
This means that your family will not
only address the problem it faces
now, but will be much better
equipped to skillfully meet future
What to expect.

A family gathering is not the same as a family meeting.  Meetings
are boring, have agendas, leave most participants unsatisfied and
do not create lasting change.  At their best they generate decisions,
but rarely action. 

A family gathering is different.  It is a place where important
matters are talked about with depth. These meetings are creative
and fun. They lead to solid agreements and real commitments. 
Family gatherings provide a path for families to come together in
meaningful ways, create profound alignment and change the way
the family works together.
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